Friday, February 20, 2009
Hi,ppl. :D
Next week is common test alr.
Im sure we can do it.!
keep rockin,guys.
Eng test: compo.!
math test: map skills,proportion,data anly,ratio and rate. :D
9:09 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Vere here.!
Common test coming soon.!
prepare and do all ur best,key.?
Hahaha :D
im goin to bed now!
Cu all 2morrow. :D
9:37 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Time is flying faster n faster thus our Common Test for week 8 is coming vry soon... Oh Tests!! Test is de biggest subject tt i hate in sch which I think eu all feel so right.?.? Our CME skit is coming on Tue thus we all can see our beloved classmates acting... :D So how have you all been practicing? Been revising your Common Tests? I'm sure nw during this time of period, you all must be struggling along the way... Try your best EVERYONE, I sure all of you in our class can do it! >.< Bb, gt to go.
9:39 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
Yoyo peeps..
Tan hui here:D
Whoa.. We had Geog test today did'nt we?
those who studied will get great marks..
And those who did not study like me will get an egg. hehe:D
P.E was fun.
gtg now..
Dinner is ready:D
Tan hui, rocking the house!!!
8:31 PM
It's a happy and normal day yet again .. :) We had our Geography test today, the horror test. everyone was memorising ( except some ) ... including ME , ME!!~~~ So horrible T_T. yeah , so we were all trying very hard. attempting to score full marks :) Also, The ELDDS was selling chocolate marshmallows.. It's very tasty BUT its with the price of 2DOLLARS! how expensive!! sorry to anyone in ELDDS in our class but its so expensive. * tears * and there's only 3 marshmallows on a stick ._." ...
Note : Homework for the weekends is ...
English >> Reflection on Total Defence Day
Maths >> Wb Ex 2.1 Questions. 3a , 4g , 5c , 6 & 7a.
7:59 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Today we got back our English test papers~ hee hee. everyone was happy YET sad :O ... cause some got good grades and some didnt... To those who did well : good work and keep it up!! Common test is coming and hope every has revised . :) To those who didn't do very well / not as well as expected : Don't worry.. uu guys are trying ur best but uu can work harder!!! :) Believe that uu will do well in the test in future. --- Our common test is coming! --- People, It's time to work hard!! Although common test's weightage not that high , but it still counts in the overall right. :) So, drop down ur games for awhile~ - even tho ii dont really do that - but still, I'll try. so yeah~ people! TRY HARD AND WORK HARD AND STRIVE HARD!!! ^^..
5:06 PM
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Congrats to our first birthday celebration~
A big occasion for our class 201!!~
It's also our first (maybe 2nd for some) bday celebration with our form teacher, Ms.Hudah!
Congrats to the people getting older...
Ms Hudah : Her XXOOXX birthday~~ [ Some things aren't meant to be said... ]
Mr Chen Chen : His 16th birthday~~ [ Still young but not really.. haha... ]
Ms Veresia : Her Explosive 14th birthday~~ [ The real Young one
Ms Isshani : Her Enjoyable 14th birthday~~ [ Wee.. A lovable young lady ]
Now let's see what did we do on the Wonderful celebration day... :)
The cakes brought in... * Delicious *
The sleeping "king" in our class sleeps
during his bday celebration too!! :)
Sweet dreams?? :D
Look at the smile on her face~Cheese :) Happy Birthday ~!
The "Pose" Friends~~ :) Posing while they eat~
So sweet :)
Prepared to eat the cakeee :) But must take picture first!! :D
10:16 PM
keke~ sorry people. I will try to upload the pictures :D I have the pictures now but in fact, most of the pictures are blurry so I have to pick some that is actually " visible ". Also, Sorry if your face does not appear in the picture. I also actually prefer if we make a class photo. It'll be easier. :) That's all. I'll continue editing it now. so visit this often once again to see more updates!! :D
8:33 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
:D The new blog is open to all 201 people!! We will try to update this blog every once in awhile :) please check our class blog once in awhile to see our NEW updates!! yay!! :D
4:51 PM